Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Get Out the Vote

There once was a ballot box blue
A ballot box hopeful and new
With words scribed upside
And hopes to provide
A home to decisions all you

There once was a person named you
A person got shit he had due
So he holed himself up
Said God thats enough
And voting day slept he right through

Then, ‘long came decisions to bear
‘long came girls needing proper health care
Their parents knew well
Perhaps condemned them to hell
But regardless, decisions weren’t theirs

And teachers, they came them to teach
They came, the young ones to reach
But five years, oh my
What a long time to try
To be thrown right back out on the streets

But what then, good you, could he say
Having left his vote there in the hay
If hit it he must
In alarms he must trust
to be there on time on that day

Now i know that you’ve heard this before
That you’ll probably hate me, what’s more
But I wanted to say
To avoid, please, the hay
And be not your apathy’s whore.


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